Music Argumentative Essay

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Try to think of music as you, standing at the foot of a massive mountain with its daunting rock pile keeping you down. Being done with your efforts after just climbing the hill is a much worse option than taking on the mountain, pushing through all of your doubts, and, nevertheless, making sure that the final result is as perfect as you want it to be. An integral part of art to the available arts to kids, and, nevertheless, people in general, is music, however, people can’t seem to think of it that way. People criticize music as a distraction or just something to talk about with their friends, when music is a form of art that has layers upon layers of depth. However, recently music has been extremely underdeveloped and, moreover, has statistically …show more content…

The room glowed with the audience’s faces staring straight at me, I was the center of the world for that extremely short time and the only thought going through the audience’s minds was what my music would sound like. After the eternal walk over to the center of the room, I sat down on the bench and wiped my hands on my pants, the nervousness was chilling up my spine, paralyzing my body for what seemed like an eternity. The only roadblock keeping the silence was my reluctance to start, I pushed myself to start, but, nevertheless, could not. Notwithstanding the thought that moved through my brain that one millimeter of accuracy could mean the difference in the audience’s opinion of the song, I raised my hands and played. This is just one of the examples of how music can provide a vivid gift basket of emotions, the only action you take is walking over and opening it …show more content…

Well, first you need to know how to play an instrument. Yep, breaking news. You can't just know how to play twinkle star, you need to know the instrument enough that you could sit down with that instrument and pull a bunny from a hat. When you actually know your instrument, your emotions flow freely. No single person requires themselves to take classes, I know didn’t, you just need to understand the instrument itself. Know your way around the keys and know what sounds the way it does. After you have mastered an instrument you can start writing your own songs, you start simple and add on layers as you grow; each layer adds more depth and emotion to the way your audience feels. You can not fake your way into playing an instrument since an audience can tell whether you are just playing notes, or whether you actually know your instrument inside and

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