Music Appreciation Essay

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Before taking Music Appreciation my understanding of music went from very specific to broad. Being a former band student, I was trained to sight read music or search for patterns within different styles of music. Once I began my freshman year of college, band no longer a part of my life and I began to listen for specific parts of it rather than listening to the piece as a whole. Often when I would describe to individuals while I liked a particular song I would use broad statements like, “Oh, I liked what the singers voice did there” or “It’s really chill and relatable.” I was no longer able to understand the deeper meanings that the composer or singer were trying to portray.
After taking this course I was finally able to recall many of the musical terms that I had previously forgotten. By completing the listening guides, I was able to go through the music second by second and listen to the specific movements, (a rift or a gradual rise in the sound) which led to a greater understanding of the song. Placing the music into it’s contextual history, allowing me to gain a greater …show more content…

During that time, I believed that with a music appreciation class I should focus more on the classical side of music as I thought this would be what the class would primarily consist of. I focused more on broad statements of the music and I skipped around to major portions of the music which I liked. During my last listening guide, I decided to do a modern song. At that point I realized that music this class included all forms of music and, with that song in particular, I wanted to analyze to discover the main reasons which I enjoyed it. This time around when I went to the second-by-second listing of the music I detailed over what aspects of the song led to powerful movements. I also focused on how the music and the artists voice can lead to powerful changed in how the tone of the

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