Multiculturalism in the United States

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Multiculturalism is an issue that has brought much debate to the United States. It helps us look at other cultures respectably and freely. Multiculturalism is something that we must deal with because of the millions of people immigrating to America. It is an issue that can not be ignored and therefore we need to deal with the multicultural issue.

Many people confuse race and culture.

The term "race" has been found out to notmean anything. Scientists agree

that, in terms of DNA genetics, "race" has no significant meaning as a way of categorizing human differences. Multiculturalism has found its way to become a popular term because race truly does not define any real differences between people. How people are raised and their beliefs is what makes them different. (Scully 5)

There are many benefits of multiculturalism. With the mix of different cultures in the United States, we have new ideas and worthwhile benefits. Because of all these new ideas, Americans have benefited from it. There are many different kinds of food out there from many cultures to choose from; Like tacos, pierogies, and sweat and sour chicken. Many sports have been influenced from different cultures, we have hockey from Canada, soccer from Europe, and golf from Scotland. Because of the different blends of cultures we are able to experience these sports and foods.

Having multiculturalism in America lets us blend our different cultures together and learn from each other. We learn from different beliefs such as the Native Americans. They had a lot of respect for the land and the earth. They taught us to respect the land and ourselves.

Multiculturalism has allowed Americans to express themselves Without diversity our entire country would all believe in the same thing and do the same thing. There would not be any creativity amongst us. If we did not have this diverse blend of people and cultures we would not grow as people and still believe in all the same things. We would be stuck in the past and never develop.

Women might not be where they are today, right along side of men. Men would be superior. Woman would not be able to think for themselves or be able to control what they want. Thankfully we have multiculturalism and can grow our minds and the way we think.

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