Movie Comparison: Jacob Black Versus The King

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“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb (Stephenie Meyer).” This is the one quote that comes to mind when I think of twilight. I have chose to use two main character from Twilight for my compare and contrast essay. Robert Pattinson, who plays Edward , and Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob Black. Not only will I compare and contrast the real life people, but I will also compare and contrast the characters from the movie. Pattinson and Lautner were both actors, but they did not both have the same upbringing into the life of acting. Lautner started out as a big time karate star, he started taking lessons when he was six years old and he quickly became one of the best young karate stars. He won many different competitions and championships, but karate was not Lautner’s only interest. At the age of 7, Lautner decided to follow his dream to become an actor. He had …show more content…

Pattinson landed the role of Edward Cullen, a vampire that lived in the small town of Forks. With this movie he was also able to still use his musical talents, there are songs written by Pattinson on the movie soundtrack. Lautner landed the role of Jacob Black, a young native american and werewolf that lived on a reservation in Forks. This throws us into the discussion of their movie characters, Edward and Jacob. Both were competing for the same girl, Bella Swan. But, Bella who says she loved both of them, chose that she loved Edward more so Edward won Bella. Twilight was a big break for both actors, they were able to get lead roles in many other movies and tv shows after that. They, of course, went on to finish the other 4 movies in the Twilight Saga; New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. After the filming of Twilight, Pattinson landed a lead role in; Little Ashes, Remember Me, Water for Elephants, and Cosmopolis. Lautner landed star roles in Valentine’s Day and

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