Morality Of Casual Sex By Raja Halwani

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The Morality of Casual Sex Casual sex is very prevalent in today’s society. Raja Halwani writes that for casual sex to be morally permissible it must meet certain conditions. In this essay I will use the writing “Virtue Ethics, Casual Sex, and Objectification” written by Raja Halwani, to prove that most cases of casual sex are not morally permissible. Halwani states that there are five conditions that must all be met for casual sex to be morally permissible. These five conditions are as follows. #1 There must be nothing wrong with this particular type of sex (e.g. pedophilia). #2 The desire for casual sex cannot consume either person’s life. #3 The casual sex must be for the right reasons. #4 The casual sex must contribute to a person having a flourishing life. #5 Neither of the persons having casual sex objectify their partner. Halwani’s argument is. Premises #1 the five conditions must all be met. Premises #2 most instances of casual sex meet these conditions. Therefore, most casual sex is morally permissible. …show more content…

Halwani also states that most cases of casual sex will meet all of these conditions, but how is this possible. I believe that it is almost always impossible to meet all five of Halwani’s conditions. It is easy to not be a pedophile (#1) or to not always be trying to have another one night stand (#2), but the rest are a little trickier than that. Condition #3 is the hardest to navigate with the other four conditions, specifically with objectifying one’s

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