Monument Synthesis Essay

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Monuments are important don't you think? They bring to like historical figures and events that we learn about daily, so it's important to make sure things are done right when memorializing a historical figure or event. including, the environment in which the monument is being place, the materials that are being utilized to create this memorial and if it can be kept up with financially years from now when it starts to wear down.

What people need to realize when memorializing historical events, is that they are creating something or someone very important to our history, so they have got to to make sure they clearly get the point across using little to no words. That means even in a painting or monument, because if it does not represent …show more content…

for example the article “Savage, Kirk. Monument Wars: Washington, D.C., the National Mall, and the Transformation of the Memorial Landscape.” States the monument manufactures its own aura. in the context of the Lincoln Memorial, the Gettysburg Addresses ceases to be mere mechanical reproduction and becomes a treasure-piece by virtue…” this source portrays the significance of a monument, and if the monument is not built to its full potential and doesn't serve its intended purpose then it can mess up the whole aura that it's meant to set off and i can have less than an impact on people than if it was built to its full potential. another example is the article named “ Memorials set in stone, and make us ask what we want to remember. Is that why we don't always embrace them?and it states” states “successful monuments make clear statements, and earn( though not always at first) wide agreement; bad ones demand more than we can give, or lack clarity, and ultimately inspire resistance, indifference or division.” now what this is telling us is that if a monument is not made to its full potential, it makes it a whole lot easier to get rejected by society. therefore, it's important to remember that once this commemoration is made and put on display there's no going back , …show more content…

for example in “Musser; Christine. “Preserving Memorial Museum Controversy.” says “the controversy grew from Jewish to non-Jewish communities, primarily due to the fact that a museum dedicated to the memory of the holocaust would be built in the United States, who did little to stop the Holocaust from occurring…” This source portrays the significance of where a monument is placed. This is because,as you can see placing it in the wrong area can raise some conflict, especially to those who have some sort of connection to the monument. Some people may even see it as a sign of disrespect towards themselves and those with the same beliefs. Also placing a monument in a place where many people disagree with it's presence, has a higher risk of getting vandalized or at least looked down upon. For example,John F. Kennedy was cited in Mitch Landrieu’s speech on the Removal of the Confederate Monuments in New Orleans, saying “I've never looked at them as a source of pride… it's always made me feel as if they were put there by people who don't respect us.” This quote is telling us that it's definitely important to be cautious of what monuments we're putting where and it's important to think about how others may feel about or even react towards the monumental

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