Monster Calls Poem

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“There once was an invisible man...It’s not that he was actually invisible. It was that people had become used to not seeing him.” “A Monster Calls” is a heart-wrenching tale. It follows the life of an 11-year old boy named Conor, who is carrying a burden too heavy for his young shoulders- his mum is dying of cancer. His story is important for young people because it shines the light onto an imperfect reality, while in our world we are blinded by the pursuit for perfection. “You know Conor? You and me? Not the most natural fit are we? But we’re going to have to learn.” Even though they’re family, Conor and his grandma have a dysfunctional relationship. They just can’t seem to be able to connect with each other. You might be able to find a parallel relationship in your life. This makes Conor important because he is relatable. As their beloved mother and daughter's life comes to a close, a miracle happens and Conor and his grandma realise they do share something similar. “Your mum, that is what we have in common Conor.” Ness uses Conor and his grandma's rocky relationship to teach us how shared sorrow can create an unexpected bond. …show more content…

Have you ever felt isolated? Well, poor Conor has. Whenever people face trials, they often isolate themselves from everyone-especially teenagers because, “no one understands you”, right? Last year, I developed mental health issues. I started distancing myself from family and friends- spending more and more time in my room. Conor does this in the novel. He pushes everyone away and ends up isolating himself, only making his situation worse. (“I was trying to help you.” “I don’t need your help,” Conor said.) “His classmates kept their distance from him like he was giving off a bad smell.” Conor’s experiences teaches troubled teens that isolating yourself when times get tough is actually worse than if you had reached out for

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