Connor Franta's Memoir 'A Work In Progress'

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The Journey Connor Franta is a popular YouTuber vlogger, photographer, author, entrepreneur and social media personality who is well-known for his creative mind. In his memoir A Work In Progress, Connor shares his life struggles with his audience beyond the camera. He highlights the best and worst times in his life by staring his stories in a relatable fashion. Connor explains the lessons he has learned throughout his path to becoming a YouTube sensation. He writes about his childhood, opportunities, experiences and conflicts. Connor explains that his life is still a ‘work in progress’ and is trying to make the most of it (Franta 1). From a young age, Connor always felt something was different between himself and other boys. He silently struggled …show more content…

He was half-way through his college education and he decided that pursuing a degree in business was not for him. Connor “didn’t want to end up working for a corporation like so many other college grads” (Franta 176) and was torn to which path he should follow. He could continue his education and strengthen his future career prospects or purse the opportunities opening up for him on YouTube. Months went by and Connor was on autopilot, he could not make a decision and was hoping that everything would fall into place. One day, he received a text from one of his good YouTube friends saying, “Connor! I got accepted to an internship in Los Angeles this summer and my parents said I could go! What if you came with me?” (Franta 177). This is exactly what Connor has been waiting for, someone to make his decision for him. He typed his response quickly, “I’ve gotta ask my parents first, but yes! I’m so down!” (Franta 178). By the summer of 2012, Connor was prepared to embark a journey. He drove for three straight days across the entire United States. Along the way they: “stayed in crappy hotels, ate tons of junk food, listened to so much music, got lost, picked up our friend Jc Caylen, hit a couple of birds, got pulled over, and ran out of gas and got stranded in the middle of a desert” (Franta 185). Thus, Connor’s experiences and opportunities symbolize the twisting pathway that he is ‘strolling’

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