Monotheistic Religion Research Paper

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There are many religions around the world that affect how a community will thrive. The three largest monotheistic religions in the world today are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Christianity is the world’s largest religion. In the 1500s while Christianity was thriving as a major religion, a scholar known as Martin Luther did not agree with the Church and decided to revolt against it. Martin Luther found flaws in the religious system of the Church and he also believed the strong power and rules governed by the Church were unfair to the people. The Church had a lot of power over the people and no one dared go against it. Everyone believed that the Church's power was sacred and no argument could be held against them. The Church also ruled people …show more content…

Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses as a way of life. These Theses were supposed to allow a better way for Christians to live. The power of the pope outraged Martin Luther because of indulgences. Luther was able to speak out about his concerns. Many of Luther’s ideas were not challenged by the pope and this was considered to be unfair by the followers. Luther's greatest concern was about the Pope forgiving sins which he believed the pope had no such power. The followers of the church believed that the pope was able to forgive an individual of all his sins. Martin Luther, on the other hand, believed that the pope had no power and was only collecting money from followers. Luther believed that the pope was just a regular person that had the same exact power as the followers. The pope could not have played the role of …show more content…

Indulgences were sold by the Catholic Church as, essentially, a get out of Purgatory free card. People could pay money to the church and the church would absolve them of sins. In the 95 Theses,Thesis number 21 states, “Hence those who preach indulgences are in error when they say that a man is absolved and saved from every penalty by the pope’s indulgences.” Here Luther argued to followers of the Catholic church that the pope is wrong, and he cannot forgive one’s sins because he is equal to everyone else. Theses number 21 continues with, “Indeed, he cannot remit to souls in purgatory any penalty which canon law declares should be suffered in the present life.” Luther stated that the pope cannot save anyone and their sins will

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