Monkey See Monkey Do Essay

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The fact is, smiled are said to be contagious because of a process known as “mimicry.” The phrase “monkey see, monkey do” has a significant meaning. Giacomo Rizzolatti and other neuroscientists at the University of Parma discovered mirror neurons, special brain cells, in macaque monkeys twenty years ago by implanting electrodes in their brains. The neurons from the same region of the brain were activated and fired during different motor actions and when the monkey spectated too. For example, when one monkey was grabbing an apple out of a box, neurons fired in its prefrontal cortex. Another monkey witnessing the grabbing of the apple also had neurons fired in the same place. This proved the case of mimicry among primates, including modern day …show more content…

Today, rather than thinking, scientists believe that humans understand one another by feeling-empathy.
These mirror neurons seem to be correlated with specific goals and intentions rather than just actions even though they are part of the motor cortex. Mirror neurons react more actively to actions with clear goals, which can be perceived through smell, sight, taste, touch, or sound, rather than meaningless gestures. That is because mirror neutrons have to understand-and actions with clear goals are easier to understand.
Because of mirror neurons, not only do humans simulate the actions of others, but others’ intentions and emotions of the actions Mirror neurons also allow us primates to interpret intention along with actions. For example, there is a lot more mirror neuron activity when one interprets a hand holding a cup to drink, rather than grasping it for an unknown reason.
The mirror neuron system allows humans also to interpret different facial expressions. When we receive an expression, our mirror neurons become active and as we make the expression our own, the same neurons are

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