Monk Essay

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A monk is a person who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or with any number of other monks. A monk may be a person who decided to dedicate his life to serving all other beings, or who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his life in prayer and contemplation. According to an early biography, the young Saint Antony (died 356) led a conventional Christian life until the day when, on the way to church, he “communed with himself and reflected as he walked how the Apostles left all and followed the Savior; and how they in the Acts sold their possessions and brought and laid them at the Apostles’ feet for distribution to the needy, and what and how great a hope was laid up for them in heaven” (Athansius, Life of Antony). Antony chose to give up his worldly routine in order to embrace Christ’s example as fully as possible, and in the fourth century, growing numbers of men and women embarked on the course that he charted. This way of life was then called monasticism. Within monasticism, exists the Western Christian and the Eastern Orthodox churches. Monasticism exists within the Catholic and Orthodox churches, and to an extent the difference between these monks reflect the difference between their societies.
Monks lived in isolation to build a strong relationship with God, and the chose the monastery as the place where they could achieve spiritual and religious perfection. They also choose to join the empire of God for their own personal enlightenment or they wanted to make a worthwhile dent into the community, by providing the community with services such as nursing and teaching.
In the Greek language the term monk can apply to women, but in modern English it is mainly used for men. Meanwhile, nun i...

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...s stage. The paramandyas of the Megaloschemos is larger than that of the Stavrophore, and if he wears the klobuk, it is of a distinctive thimble shape, called a koukoulion, the veil of which is usually embroidered with crosses. In some monastic traditions the Great Schema is only given to monks and nuns on their death bed, while in others they may be elevated after as little as 25 years of service.
Eastern Orthodox monks are addressed as "Father" even if they are not priests; but when conversing among themselves, monks will often address one another as "Brother". Novices are always referred to as "Brother". In the Eastern monasteries, old monks are often called Gheronda, or "Elder", out of respect for their dedication. In the Slavic tradition, the title of Elder is normally reserved for those who are of an advanced spiritual life, and who serve as guides to others.

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