Modern Technology: The Benefits Of Technology In Business?

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Introduction Modern technology allows businesses to do things they never imagined was possible just a couple decades ago. And it is agreed that technology serves one major advantage; save in time. From this, a question can be brought to attention for further discussion. With technology constantly advancing and making everyday tasks easier and quicker, does technology offer businesses more free time as a result? A number of things could be discussed to help answer this question, beginning with the concept of technology and how much businesses have come to rely on it. It is obvious technology serves a lot of benefits for people. Benefits like easy communication globally, machinery that allows workers to produce more while working less, encouragement on innovation and …show more content…

In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, one had to have lots of capital and they even had limited access to business information. Today, it is very easy to start a business while at home. Companies like enable creative people to sell their works online, this encourages creativity (Ramey, 2012 ). The industrial revolution encouraged scientists and inventors to continuously and rapidly advance in technology. Factories no longer require the extra labour and costs towards production. Now, machines are used to mass produce goods much more effectively and efficiently, allowing businesses to expand production lines. This influences other competitive companies to stay innovative and creative. Modern technology requires a lot of knowledge behind it. Companies use this knowledge to further discover new technology or on ways to enhance existing technology, encouraging innovation. Businesses no longer just spend their time carrying out tasks to keep a business going but dedicate more time towards staying innovative and creative. Thus, technology does not offer businesses more free time in this

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