Mkt 421 Week 9 Final Paper

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Advertisement over the years have been very relentless with a few inventories for its expansion. It can be a very persuasive tool towards getting a result. GM uses a tradigital marketing strategy type of advertising which combines both the traditional way of advertising and the new age way of advertising which is computer based also known as digital. However, there’s always room for improvement. According to John Wanamaker, he stated that “I know that half of my advertising dollars are wasted…I just don’t know which half” (Rosenblum, 2011). It is known for years as an accepted truth that 50% of every advertisement dollar is wasted. Is it because we are doing too much or too little to convince our potential buyers? This is a questionable factor that need answers. I recommend changing the key performance indicators from a marketing to a business focus, create a superior experience that at the end of the day simplify consumer’s lives and create an educational platform. …show more content…

How can we do that? You say, by looking at the right trends. Most companies usually use the traditional methods of advertising like surveys, as a marketing tool but surveys are being used for the wrong reasons. Companies are using surveys to figure out the company recalls but in reality surveys leave an ad to be remembered for all the negative reasons. Instead of using surveys for a marketing tool we can alter to a business minded metrics focus. We can focus more on sales and lucrativeness and our mindset would be enlightened from all the negative tactical marketing decisions companies try to make. In GM’s 2010 annual report it touched on that topic. “Our plan is to steadily invest in creating world-class vehicles, which will continuously drive our cycle of great design, high quality and higher profitability” (Akerson,

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