Advertising Effectiveness Essay

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2. Advertising effectiveness:
Advertising effectiveness refer to the changes that advertising causes in the mental or physical state or activities of the recipient of an ad (Jellis Gerard).

According to Fraser (1994), the general term ‘effectiveness’ “is a measure of the match between stated goals and their achievements”
3. Effective Advertisements:
Effective advertisements are advertisements that help the advertiser to reach its goals (Doyle& Saunders, 1990).

4.Post-Testing of Advertisements:
These methods are used to test advertisements after broad casting and launching them.

5.Pre-Testing of Advertisements:

These methods are used to test advertisements before broadcasting or launching them. These measures can provide with inputs, …show more content…

This definition, given by Allport (1935) suggested a much broader concept.
Is the psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavor by Eagly and Chaiken (1993).
An attitude is a favourable or unfavorable feeling about a product. S.A.Chunawalla

13. Attitude towards the brand: Attitude towards the brand strength is positivity/negativity (valence) of an attitude which is weighted by certainty or confidence in the product (i.e, extent with which a brand is considered valid, (Briñol and Richard, 2009).

Advertisement attitude: Attitude toward the ad (Aad) has been defined as a “predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable manner to a particular advertising stimulus during a particular exposure situation” (MacKenzie, Lutz and Belch 1986). 14. Purchase Intention:
An intention is a type of judgment about how, in the present context, a consumer will behave towards a particular …show more content…

It also includes examination of the theoretical and empirical studies in the field of advertising. Books, research papers, articles, reports, thesis etc. were systematically studied to develop the following review of literature. The review included extensive use of Proquest, Google scholar, Inflibnet and IIM- A library. The review of theoretical literature and empirical literature helped develop the below mentioned conceptual framework. This structure underlines the sequence of steps, which were undertaken for the review of literature. The first step was to understand the concept of advertising. The second step focused on understanding the effects of advertising. Scan of literature helped in identify the types of effects advertisements are known to create. The third step involved understanding the extent to which organisations are committing their resources to advertising. As logic dictates that measurement of effectiveness is more significant where the resources committed are more, the final step involved study of effectiveness measures.

3.1 Structure of literature review:

Advertising (What is advertising?)

Effects of advertising (What does advertising do?)
It is imperative to understand what does advertising do, before undertaking any research in the field of advertising. Advertising is a form of communication. It attempts to send a message to the target audience in order to elicit a desired

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