Misdemeanors And Crimes

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Misdemeanors are crimes that are typically punishable by no more than one year of local county jail time and have no more than a $1,000 fine. Misdemeanors can range from very minor to very severe. Misdemeanors are less severe Crimes that are considered misdemeanors include DUI’s, petty theft, driving with a suspended license, vandalism, prostitution, possession of drugs, not allowing an officer to search or inspect, failure to stop if law enforcement is trying to pull you over, refusing to show your license to a police officer, causing injury with a motor vehicle when driving with a suspended or revoked license, hit and run, driving in the wrong direction, drag racing, throwing an object at another vehicle on a freeway, failing to install a court ordered ignition interlock device within the 30 day grace period, and reckless driving. Misdemeanors typically proceed with an arrest, an arraignment, a pretrial and then a court or jury trial. During the arrest stage you will be taken to jail. The jail will do one of three things, either you will be let out of jail with no charges fil...

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