Miraculously Mend Outline

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Miraculously Mended Thesis- The word miracle points to a higher power that can do things even science cannot explain, I was blessed with the overwhelming power a miracle produces. I. Miracles drive scientists crazy because they have no explanation for what has happened; personally, I love that. a) Science could not explain my miracle, but I can and I plan on making my miracle known. b) Miracles transpire all over the world, and many stories remain untold. II. During the travel, my miracle happened. a) My grandfather called me and started praying for me; during the prayer, I could physically feel the bones being moved back into place, and I did not experience one ounce of pain. b) I knew God had just healed me and that I would have …show more content…

III. After arriving at the hospital I was going in immediately for x-rays a) They x-rayed my leg once we got to the new hospital and the surgeon could not believe his eyes and insisted we x-rayed the wrong leg. b) They confirmed my leg was severely broken and would require surgery they could not perform, so I was the be moved to a different place to get the surgery. Chaydan Lauber Miss Hayes ENGL 100-024 12/9/16 Miraculously Mended The word miracle points to a higher power that can do things even science cannot explain, I was blessed to witness the overwhelming power a miracle produces. Miracles transpire all over the world, and many stories remain untold. Miracles drive scientists crazy because they have no explanation for what has happened; personally, I love that. My miracle occurred on a cold evening of November a few years ago. I was playing hockey, the game I love more than anything when disaster struck. I got hit so hard I could feel the bones exploding above my skate as I fell to the ice. The sheer force of the impact was enough to shatter both bones in my leg. I still remember the look on my father's face as I looked to the bench, for it was full of fear and distress. I remember leaning towards the bench and with all

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