Acts of the Apostles

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Acts of the Apostles

Chapter 1

This chapter deals with the ascension of Jesus to heaven as witnessed by his apostles. Shortly after the ascension, the eleven apostles set forth to Jerusalem where they discussed the need to replace Judas. They proposed Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and a man named Matthias. They gave lots to them and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he became the replacement for Judas.

Chapter 2

The coming of the Holy Spirit appears in the form of tongues of fire and descends on thousands of Jews, and as a result, they begin to speak in their native tongues. Paul gives a sermon to repent, and those who follow his message are baptized and added to the church. As these new Christians devote themselves to the teachings of the apostles, the Lord would also guarantee their salvation.

Chapter 3

On their way to the temple, Peter and John come upon a crippled beggar asking for alms. They do not have silver to offer, but instead, they give this man the ability to walk again. The people are amazed and look at the miracle with ignorance. However, Peter preaches about the works of God and again, asks the people to repent and be saved.

Chapter 4

After healing the crippled man, Peter and John are arrested for teaching the people about the resurrection of Jesus. They are put on custody and presented before the leaders of Jerusalem. When asked by what power do they have the right to preach, they answer that it is in the name of Jesus Christ that all their work is based upon. Seeing that Peter and John are being praised for what they had done, they are released because no form of punishment can be found.

Chapter 5

Ananias and Sapphira lie to Peter and to God ...

... middle of paper ... with him will be safe and saved. Upon reaching land, the ship ran aground and begins to collapse. The prisoners are ordered to swim to the shore or gather debris to stay afloat. In the end, all reach shore safely just as God had promised.

Chapter 28

The island on which they land is called Malta. There, the natives show great hospitality, Paul returns the favor by healing Publius, the chief of the island. When the crew is once again ready to set sail, the natives bring them provisions. In Rome, Paul is allowed to live with a soldier. He calls the leaders of Jews residing in Rome and explains to them that he has done nothing wrong. He remains in his lodgings for two years, accepting those who come to him as he continues to proclaim the Kingdom of God and the reign of Jesus Christ.


roman catholic bible, king james version

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