Military Personal Narrative Report

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Earlier this year, I was able to experience one of my most memorable moments of my enlisted career. Proving myself as a competent soldier, led me to be chosen CBRN alternate for the company. This additional duty along with my regular job as 15Y, AH-64E Apache helicopter electronics repairer, allowed for some awesome opportunities. As a PFC, I was tasked with conducting a CS gas chamber for the battalion, which turned out to be the most memorable moments in the army. The day came, with all the work leading up to running this field problem, my hard work was able to show. After arriving at the field site, we started to erect our GP Medium tent, which is our chamber, which CS gas will spew out of. The significant reason using a GP medium was a big deal over …show more content…

I pop the spoon on the CS grenade, and hear the hissing sound as a thick cloud of CS gas engulfs me. After fully released, the cloud was so thick, seeing an object eight inches from the face became impossible. The chamber was ready, and in got escorted the first iteration. This group included a reenlistment ceremony inside the chamber. The ceremony started, only to hear coughing and hacking away as CS works its way into their lungs. Only about six seconds go by before the soldier and the commander go rushing out in pain. The second iteration now has it turn in the chamber, only to enter after a new grenade. This one would truly become why this is now my most memorable moment. After giving the command to “break seal” on their masks, the group goes the out coughing and hacking the lungs out of their chests. All was going well until we had a soldier fall over. “MEDIC!” people screamed, as the soldier was on the ground unconscious. I personally made a gas chamber so strong it caused someone to go unconscious. He was transported to the hospital to stay under care for the rest of the day. “Training must go on” said my commander, so that is what

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