Microsoft Advertising Case Analysis

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Microsoft is a well-know, huge technology company that has revenue increasing by more than 50%. Their products and software vary from all platforms. For example, they vary from laptops, to video games and consoles, to phones, and even software like Office 365. After doing some research I came to the conclusion that Microsoft struggles with advertising. Their spark on products is not fully there. Some of their competitors have their advertising down. If Microsoft wants to keep growing in revenue, I suggest they invest a certain amount of funds into better marketing tools and advertising skills.

I do not want our company to compete with other companies. Our CEO, Nadella, already fixed that situation and we have been doing great since his request. I think we should simply take a step forward on how consumers perceive our products. I think it should excite the consumer and get them rallied up for what the future of Microsoft can bring to them. For example, the new Xbox One X came out on November 7th, but did anyone really make a big deal about the console. Microsoft tried to make it a big deal but it only trended on social media for about a day. Compare their advertising on the Xbox One X to their new Surface Book 2 commercial. We need more advertising and marketing like the Surface Book 2 commercial. We need to make the consumer feel that they …show more content…

After doing some research and comparing an Apple commercial to a Microsoft, I found that the problem with Microsoft is that in their commercial they build their products throughout their commercial and show the product towards the middle or end of the commercial. Whereas, Apple goes straight to their product and shows the audience what they are capable of doing with the product. Also, an Apple commercial lasts about thirty seconds to one minute, and a Microsoft commercial lasts about one minute to two

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