Michelle Obama Research Paper

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Michelle Obama
Inspiring First Lady

Campaign Speaker, First Lady and inspiring, are three things that describe Michelle Obama. Many people know that Michelle Obama was the First Lady, but she was so much more. Michelle Obama inspires Americans to stand for what they believe in. She has left a lasting legacy as the first African-American First Lady of the United States.
The early life of Michelle Obama was very interesting. Michelle was born and raised in Chicago. She lived in a segregational neighborhood with her loving family. Growing up, Michelle was a very smart girl, and her and her brother both skipped second grade. Because Michelle Obama was very smart, her intelligence helped her later in life. (Brill 10) Michelle’s parents …show more content…

Michelle was assigned as Barack Obama’s mentor. Michelle always liked Obama, but did not want to ask him out because she thought it was unprofessional. After two years of mentoring Obama, they started dating. Soon after that, they got married at the Trinity United Church of Christ in (Brophy 43)
Michelle Obama’s kids made a big impact on her campaigning and her personal life. Shortly after they were married, Michelle and Obama had two daughters named Malia and Sasha. Michelle’s daughter Malia plans on following after her mom, and attending Harvard Law School. While campaigning, Michelle Obama would use her children in her campaigns to try and inspire people. (A&E Television web)
Throughout Michelle Obama’s life, she has accomplished many things. She was a very intelligent person, she attended many different colleges. One of the most impressive and hardest colleges she attended was Harvard Law School. She also went to Princeton University as one of the top scoring students. She graduated from both of the colleges to become a lawyer. Her education helped her in her campaigning, and also some of her other accomplishments including her personal ones. …show more content…

Not many people know this, but Michelle Obama is considered a fashion icon by many people. She appeared on people’s magazines as one of the best dressed women. She can also be found in many other fashion magazines. (“Michelle”)
Some of the jobs that Michelle Obama did contributed to society. In her early career, Michelle worked as a public sector for the city of Chicago. For a short period of time, Michelle worked as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley. After that she worked at a full time corporate law firm in Chicago, and also took a job at an academic medical center. These jobs contributed to Michelle’s campaigning skills. (Brill 33)
The most important thing that Michelle Obama did to impact America’s society and help her become the First Lady was her campaigning. After Michelle’s husband Barack Obama decided to run for president in 2008, she started persuading people to vote for her husband. She was so devoted to helping Obama’s campaign, that she quit her job to help support his campaign. She also began making campaign appearances without Obama. In her campaigns, Michelle tries to inspire people by talking about her life growing up, and her kids. Her time and devotion put into her campaigning are what helped her become the First Lady. (A & E Television

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