Michael Thomas Rafferty Case Summary

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Michael Thomas Rafferty is a 28-year-old male who has been accused of first-degree murder, sexual assault causing bodily harm, and kidnapping. This risk assessment report is for his pre-trial hearing, by request, in order to determine risk level and risk management. Methods of assessment included a Static-99R assessment and a Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP) assessment on Mr. Rafferty. The sources of information reviewed were: Murderpedia, Huffington Post, City News, The Star, and Canoe. These were all online sources. On April 8th, 2009, allegedly, the accused, Micheal T. Rafferty, urged Terri-Lynne McClintic to kidnap a 8-year-old girl, Victoria (Tori) Stafford, from outside her school for him by inviting the girl to see a puppy. …show more content…

Rafferty results on the Static-99R and the RSVP (Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol) assessments revealed fairly different results, but they were similar in certain areas. Overall, Mr. Micheal Rafferty scored a low-moderate risk level on the Static-99R, and a high/urgent risk level on the RSVP assessment. The reason Mr. Rafferty scored a low to moderate risk on the Static-99R was because it mainly took into consideration conviction, and victims. Since Micheal did not have any prior convictions or charges, this tremendously lowered his risk. Also, since he had never previously been incarcerated, sections about sentencing dates and age of release did not apply to him. When it came to the victim section though, his risk level did increase a bit because of his apparent victim; she was both unrelated, and a stranger to Mr. Rafferty. These factors are why I believe that Mr. Rafferty is at a low-moderate risk level for this …show more content…

Micheal Rafferty's case, if he is considered not-guilty, should include a routine review and a special review in order to protect the public and protect him, since he participates in reckless behaviour. Specific things that should trigger a re-assessment should include any suspected or reported abuse of partners, suspected or reported lingering around schools, parks, or any other common area for children to frequent without supervision, and/or suspected or reported criminal activity, including, but not limited to child pornography. In order to monitor these, surveillance should be regularly conducted in order to monitor Mr. Raffery's movement and activity. His movement and activity should also be limited to within the country unless there are extenuating circumstances which can be documented in advance. Treatment should also be considered in order to manage the risk posed by Mr. Rafferty. With all this, if Mr. Rafferty does not show any signs within 5 years, his should be considered for a re-evaluation and his risk management should be reconsidered. Overall, it should also be considered that this opinion is limited because this is based on pre-trial information and there is quite a bit of information that is unavailable or missing, specifically psychological evaluations and family history. Details of this case may change during Mr. Micheal Rafferty's

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