Risk-Needs-Responsivitiy Model

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This essay begins with the introduction of the Risk-Needs-Responsivitiy Model which was developed to assess offending and offer effective rehabilitation and treatment (Andrews & Bonta, 2007). The R-N-R model “remains the only empirically validated guide for criminal justice interventions that aim to help offenders” (Polashek, 2012, p.1) consisting of three principles which are associated with reductions in recidivism of up to 35% (Andrew & Bonta, 2010); risk, need and responsivity. Firstly, the risk principle predicts the offenders risk level of reoffending based on static and dynamic factors, and then matched to the degree of intervention needed. Secondly, the R-N-R targets individual’s criminogenic needs, in relation to dynamic factors. Lastly, the responsivity principle responds to specific responsivity e.g. individual needs and general responsivity; rehabilitation provided on evidence-based programming (Vitopoulous et al, 2012). This R-N-R model will be used to assess the case of Jamie Wilson, focusing on the assessment of his criminogenic needs in relation to his offence, as changing these dynamic factors can reduce the probability of recidivism (Andrew & Bonta, 2010). Furthermore, this essay will consider the risk and responsivity in regards to …show more content…

It has been reported that Jamie has ‘committed more than one act of intimate partner violence’ which suggests a lack of control. Jamie denied responsibility for these aggressive acts and stated ‘she can be a total cow when she wants to be’. Weldon & Gilchrist (2012) found that offenders believe partners provoke violent responses which can be highlighted in Jamie’s case as he reported ‘she should know when to shut up’. Although there is evidence of the lack of ability to control aggression, there is insufficient evidence regarding the level of aggression and minimal violence was reported from the sexual

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