Melinda's Quest: A Short Story

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Melinda took her trembling hands and turned them palms up. “It is traditional that acolytes receive three gifts from their sisters before going on their destiny quest,” she said. Into her palms, Melinda pressed a silver brooch shaped like a swan. Fair-haired Rhianna handed her a green silk ribbon with a sprig of mistletoe embroidered on it and from dark-eyed Aileen, a small pewter cup. “I thank you all,” Larah began, trying to remember the ritual, “for your kindness, wisdom, and love.” She poured water from a flask into the cup and drank from it. “May I return with my soul cleansed, with knowledge gained from reflection.” With the ribbon, she tied her hair. “Our oaths bind us to the truth that all things are ultimately linked together.” Finally, she pinned the brooch to her tunic; “From this, I draw the strength …show more content…

“What is this? You have already given me a gift.” “Not a gift, but an heirloom. Anya gave these to me when I left on my destiny quest.” Larah pulled the drawstring, and out fell three small white pebbles. Her eyes brightened. “These are your illumination stones. I cannot take these.” “Do not argue. They are yours. Use them wisely, and they will cast light into the darkness.” Larah’s eyes glistened. “How can I ever repay you, for what you have done for me?” Melinda smiled. “Be true to yourself, and do not let this world consume you. I look forward to seeing you again.” “I promise,” Larah replied. Sniffing back tears, she slipped the stones back into the bag and tucked it into her tunic. With a heavy heart, she turned her horse away from the women and struggled to ignore the quiet lamentations behind her. Yes, my sister Melinda, I will miss you most of all, for if anyone has ever been a mother to me, it has been you. With that, she dug her heels into the horse’s flanks. Like the air rippling through her hair, a thought repeated itself through her mind - I must find what these images mean before it’s too

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