Medicine: A Narrative Fiction

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It was a dark and stormy night when the plane left the runway into the air. It was only Bruce's second time on a plane, other than when he first moved to China a year ago. He was actually handling it better this time, but only because he was so focused on one of his favorite movies. As he began to binge watch zombie movies, he started to calm down and a smile almost appeared on his face. There was a brief moment that jolted him back into reality as the plane hit some turbulence. His hands started to shake and he felt as if he couldn’t breathe. After the 'Fasten Your Seatbelts' sign turned off, a sturdiest started to speak over the crackling intercom.
"We apologize for that rough bit of air, we just hit," she began to say, "If any other …show more content…

"Do I need to get your medicine?"
"Mom, I'm ok. I just had to go to the bathroom," lied Bruce. "I don't need my medicine, ok?" "Ok, ok," said Martha. She still knew her son well enough to tell when he was lying, but thought bringing it up might cause him to panic again.
“Aw, baby needs his medicine?” asked his cousin Tony. Bruce’s mom shot Tony a look and he said back, “What? You know that I’m just messing with him. You are ok, right Bruce?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m ok so stop with the questions,” Bruce stated, a bit annoyed now. “Can I please continue watching my movie?” As he sat back down, his mom and cousin left him alone, and he slowly fell asleep.
“Help me! He’s dead! Please someone help me!” screamed a mysterious voice. Bruce was woken up by the sudden commotion and at first, he thought it was the movie. As he examined his surroundings, though, he noticed people crowded around a seat a few isles back. Martha also just noticed what was occurring and couldn’t believe her eyes. She grabbed Bruce by the arm before he could get up for a better …show more content…

As she barely finished her sentence, a sound came from the door. Boom, boom, boom! Martha knew it was no use trying to persuade her, so instead Martha shoved her aside and tugged her son and nephew behind her to the very front of the plane. Before the sturdiest could call for help, the door broke down and a mass flood of people crush forward. At least they looked like people. As one of the mysterious passengers rushed toward the sturdiest, the sight of a missing arm and blackened blood covering his body made her faint. The first class passengers noticed what was occurring, but it was too late.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” screamed the sturdiest as limb from limb was being torn from her. Blood began to spill into the aisles and screams began to blind together. Monster after monster flooded to the front of the plane so much that the plane started to tilt forward. Bruce and Tony now understood why Martha wanted them to move so quickly and they soon both joined in the sea of screams. Martha reacted quickly enough to shove them into the cramp bathroom before any of the ‘zombies’ could see

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