Media Manipulation Essay

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Does the media manipulate our perception of beauty? Introduction (Not Done Yet) In the media beautiful women are used all the time to market products to women. The large amount of exposure the media has is influencing what is considered beauty in the eyes of men and women. It brings to question whether or not this should be seen as the standard of beauty since every image in the media is retouched in one way or the other. Why Are Images Being Manipulated (Body) (Still building it up) Images in the media are being retouched frequently to meet the standard of beauty that has been set by the media, some images are manipulated so much that the original person in the image becomes unrecognizable in the finished result. By using these manipulated images frequently it is giving a false idea out to not only adults but young children who see them, it is demonstrating an unrealistic ideal of what beauty is and should look like, even though most of these images are not real and can not be reached (Kee & Farid, 2011). Magazines and advertisements with the help of computer based photo-editin...

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