Mechanical Engineering Importance

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Mechanical engineering is very important in today’s world, because it is used in some of the most significant inventions every day for example vehicles are used for transportation in everyday life. Engineering has innovated the world by changing how the world lives every day and by making advancements in machines and technology. It is used every day in almost anything; it has influenced virtually anything from air conditioning to light bulbs in homes. Mechanical engineer work on and invent machines for the production of cars and the process that is used in the making of them, and change it into an automated process by using robotic arms that assemble them in factories. That type of engineering is also used to design and put together the most important functions in a car like the engine or the wheels that make a car move and turn on. Overall mechanical engineering has a daily use in everyday life, it is used in everyday life, and it is used in cars. People everyday use mechanical engineering in work, transportation, and in their own home. “In 1864 Michaux was approached by three men who wanted him to make parts for a draisienne” (Davis-Hart 210). The bicycle is an old machine that was invented around the year 1864 is still used today either to exercise or to move around places. The draisienne was an intermediate step for today’s bike; it was invented in 1817 and made transportation much faster than to just walk or using a horse for transportation. This invention was better than earlier inventions similar to this one, because the handlebars allowed the rider to move front wheel of the machine from left to right for changing the direction of where the bike is going. To make this machine work Karl Von Drais got two carriages wheel... ... middle of paper ... ... make advancements in technology around the world. It is used to make one of the most important means of transportation such as cars. In daily use you may use engineering in something as simple as turning a door knob to open a door. There are more complicated machines we use today like the jet propellers in airplanes or engines in other vehicles come from engineering as well. One of the most important ways mechanical engineering has impacted the world is by creating a faster and easier way of transportation, and we use this every day with cars. Without mechanical engineering people would not have a lot of the things that are used every day, and that’s why the use of mechanical engineering in our lives is very important to the world.

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