Meaning Of A Good Life, By Henry David Thoreau

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Everyone tries to lead a good life. It is human nature to want to be happy and successful, and to find internal contentment, but what truly defines the good life? Everyone makes decisions about the person they want to be and what is most important to them: Which do you value more, your wealth or your friendships? Do you want to be famous or truly loved? Do you care what people think or are you just trying to please yourself? I think the good life is a combination of all of these, a fine line that everyone has to walk if they want to be truly content. Some people consider the meaning of a good life to be freedom. Thoreau teaches that the good life is “freedom from desire.” Free to make their own choices and mistakes. Other people have a different …show more content…

Ask yourself am I free? Have you ever heard anyone say content with my life if they are poor and unemployed? No, in today’s world, money is the main focus. Without it you are nothing, but a mere speculator, with no control over your life. You are classified as a lazy, idle person if you do not work. If you quit a job because you are unhappy, people will proclaim you a quitter. Judgement is tossed around lightly in today’s world with no clue to the consequences it causes. Often people are too eager to hear other’s criticism that they forget to listen for one’s praise. Thoreau defines humans as individuals, advising they find their own pleasures in life and follow their own dreams. He refrains from classifying everyone into groups, instead considering each one their own person and entitled to his or her own way of thinking. An example is as follows, “The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my …show more content…

Each man or woman is their own person and contains the ability choose his or hers values. He believes the way of living is for each individual to choose, and that any being has the right to change their job, where they live or even their way of living at any time during their existence. Sarte looks upon humans as intelligent beings, able to make rash choices and take responsible for their actions. He believes the main problem behind people today is that they hide from the truth, preventing them the ability to make well calculated decisions. Sarte’s teaching follows along the lines of existence and essence, you are what you do and what you choose to be based on your past experiences which leads to your responsibility. My example would be when someone is addicted to a substance, whether it be drugs or alcohol, the addition takes over a person’s mind. You can only change if you want to, others can force you to go to therapy but you will never quit unless you make the choice to. Sarte raises humanity up, he believes we can accept responsible. He knows that unconscious self-deception is a struggle, but believes we can overcome it. Do not shelter yourself from the truth, be brave enough to accept the

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