Maya Angelou: My Definition Of Leadership

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1. “A leader sees greatness in other people, he nor she can be much of a leader when all she sees is herself” words of an author, poet and Civil Rights activist Maya Angelou.
I referenced this quote because it defines my expectation of a leader. The type of leader I want to be. Definition of a leader is someone who has the heart to serve, to serve others. Regardless of circumstances, a good leader will be there for guidance. Has the courage for constructive criticism but not judge. Is able to direct but not bully. This person holds high level of integrity, honesty and loyalty.

2. The best lessons I’ve learned in leadership came from experience with bad supervisors, learning to not be like them. Being assigned to a higher position or holding a designation does not entitle anyone to be called “Leader”. Leadership is something that is earned, proved through action and investment of time. Coming up in the ranks, I can’t recall a time from Seaman to Petty Officer First Class I’ve looked at someone and said, “this leader had so much impact in my life and …show more content…

My leadership philosophy focuses on what I value and what is important to me. Being in the position I am now in the organization and a parent, I’m reminded of a favorite quote, in which pretty much sums up my expectation of a leader and a parent. By a famous American author, H. Jackson Brown “Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you.” I believe in having good leadership, which comes from building relationships, makes managing easy. I don’t have to know everyone’s entire life story, but, I will make sure I know what their family dynamics are. Whether they are married or single, with kids or not, have a pet, and what type it is. I will know each member of my shop by their first name. To me, this shows that I care. It has shown by their confidence in walking in my office and open up about things in their lives at home or work, and seeking advice, or just to

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