Maya Angelou

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6. Practice Kindness To Everyone

"I began to like her because she was kind."

Maya Angelou hadn't spent a lot of time with her mom, but when she started to, she said that she began to like her because she was kind. Even after everything that had happened and all the time apart, she was still drawn to her because of kindness. I think that this bodes very well for kindness and how powerful it can be.

In other words, if you are wondering why you should be a shining example for other people, it's because people will like you more. Not always, but usually they will like you despite your history together. If you've had a rocky past, and you want to mend fences, then being kind is the leading way to do that.

Moreover, being kind in your everyday life to the people you love and to strangers will help you win people over too. Maya Angelou was an …show more content…

Make Moderation Your Top Priority In Life

"If you've been caring for yourself... moderation in all things, and even moderation in moderation."

On the Oprah show Maya Angelou was talking about being her 80s, and this is one of those Maya Angelou quotes that give a little glimpse into her philosophy without her actually saying it. She was implying that making it to your 80s required taking care of yourself by living with moderation in all things - but not getting too strict about it.

We've heard this time and time again! Moderation is the key. This is a mantra that we should all be living by. Too many of us overdo it and live in extremes, and that is what does us in. It stresses us out, makes us obese, makes us too thin, affects our happiness negatively, affects our relationships negatively, and causes us to live a life that isn't balanced.

10. Celebrate Failures

"I know something better is on the road for me."

Talking about things that go wrong, Maya Angelou said to say thank you. Why? Because when things don't work out, something better is on the road for you! I have seen this time and time again in my

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