Mauna Loa Research Paper

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Did you know, maps can help one if they are moving near an active volcano? Mauna Loa is the biggest shield volcano in the world and the lava flow is devastating. A thermal map can let people know when to evacuate. Mauna Loa has been erupting since 1832 and an elevation map will tell when and if lava is coming to destroy.

A Shield Volcano

Mauna Loa is a shield volcano. Mauna Loa, “is a gently sloping mountain produced from a large number of generally very fluid lava flows” (Mauna Loa Volcano). Also an elevation map can show how high and wide the volcano is. According to Britannica, Mauna Loa is 64 miles (103 km) wide. As a result, this can be seen on an elevation map because, one can see how far it goes down. Mauna Loa is the largest gently sloping mountain in the world.

How Many Eruptions? Mauna Loa has erupted 39 times. “According to USGS estimates, the volcano has erupted an average of once every 6 years over the past 3,000” (Mauna Loa Volcano). As a matter of fact, a thermal map helps warn scientists if it’s about to erupt. “Mauna Loa’s most recent eruption occurred from March 24th to April 15th, 1984” (Wikipedia). A thermal map would help scientists to see if there is a change in temperature. Since 1832, eruptions from Mauna Loa have occurred 39 …show more content…

According to USA Today, “In 1950, the eruption of Mauna Loa sent voluminous amounts of lava downslope through small villages in upper Ho’okena, destroying homes, a gas station, lodge, church and a cemetery.” The lava would be concerning to people because in the event that their homes are destroyed, they wouldn’t have a place to live. “The village of Kapoho was entirely destroyed during the 1960 eruption in the lower east rift (fissure) zone of Kilauea” (NOAA Geologic Hazards). A population map would be helpful to have for first responders so they know how many people to evacuate in emergencies. Mauna Loa eruption cause great danger for

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