Matthew Narrative

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The book of Matthew is a Gospel Narrative. The purpose of Matthew has numerous aspects of importance. It is here to tell that Jesus is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament prophecy. Because the gospels , (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are narratives (like the Old testament histories), we should emphasize the broader context when reading them. We should always think about the broader sweep of the narratives, constantly relating the various events and teachings to those that precede and follow them. The heart of the narrative lies in the interrelation of the various events and teachings to one another. To ignore this interrelation is to miss the basic meaning of the narrative. The gospels demand some background information regarding history and culture1. It is more relevant to understand the culture, values and worldview of the people on the pages of the Gospel, than to know the specific author or recipients. All of that interaction comes to full light when we understand those important historical and cultural aspects of the gospels. The focus on the gospels is on Jesus, not on us! The Gospels were primarily written to tell us about who Jesus is, what he did for us, and why He is the only true object of our faith. If we change this focus1, we distort the very essence of the Gospels. We will think of Him as the God-man who walked the earth and now sits resurrected and glorified at the right hand of our Father. With four different Gospels, we should do comparisons of the various Gospel accounts when appropriate. When you blend the different Gospels together, you loose something unique and precious. We need to understand the centrality of the Kingdom of God in the Gospel.
The author of this book was Matthew, a tax-gatherer for...

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...le writing this paper, I was very distracted with trials that the Lord was throwing my way. Family problems, relationship stress, and the overwhelming reality that this paper dictated my grade and academic progress. I spent more than 8 hours researching reading different commentaries. I put forth more effort than I have for any paper in my educational history. It was surprised to realize that this paper wasn’t hard, but very time consuming. I enjoyed this assignment mainly because is presented me with thoughts that I never would have come across on my own. Reading through the entire book of Matthew helped me comfort some life obstacles that I have recently been praying about. I feel as if I have conquered the fear of feeling inadequate when I read the gospel, and now read the bible with an open heart and the knowledge that I am always going to learn something new.

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