Gospel Of John Research Paper

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The New Testament teaches about who Jesus is and what he did on the earth. John wrote the last of the four gospels which recount Jesus’ life and what is to come. The gospel of John is somewhat different from the other three gospels, in that it is more symbolic and less concrete. For example, John expresses Jesus as the Passover Lamb when Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not. This gospel is showing that Christianity is moving away from the long-practiced Jewish traditions. John’s gospel can be laid out into four parts: the prologue or the incarnate word, signs of the Messiah with teachings about life in him, the farewell teaching and the passion narrative, and the epilogue or the roles of Peter and of the disciple whom Jesus loved. The Gospel of John is arguably the most …show more content…

He carries with Him the transcendence that comes only with God Himself. Therefore, His work on our behalf makes our salvation sure. Jesus, the God-man, has atoned for our sins. We can place our confidence in Him because of His divine nature” (7). This is the ultimate application of the gospel of John. John is a book that Christians need to read and gather as much information out of it as possible to share with others who do not believe in or have not heard of Jesus. The applications written in this book are for all to hear and for all to reap the benefits of. Jesus is the only one who can save humanity from the sin that we have brought upon ourselves in which the consequence is death. Jesus died on the cross so that we would not have to pay for our sins. God sacrificed His one and only son so that we may live eternally with Him in Heaven. According to the lesson on John, the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to provide the gospel message to others and share the love of Christ (Lesson 7.23.3). We are to allow the Holy Spirit to guide our actions so that the Lord might save as many as

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