Materialism and the Negative Effects

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E.B. Forster’s symbolic and satirical essay, “My Wood”, is about materialism and its negative effects on human character. It has a self-deprecating, ironic approach, illustrating his personal journey of material ownership, painted with a shameful, dark undertone. He seems to be aware of these negative effects as he experiences them, but it does not detract from his want for more, which will compound the problems. This odyssey, though based on his personal feelings, could just as easily symbolize societies as a whole. “My Wood”, was published in 1926, but as a reader in the twenty first century, it may actually be more pertinent to current culture. We live in a society in which we are conditioned to think of the world in a material light. Materialism is described by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “a way of thinking that gives to much importance to material things rather than spiritual or intellectual things”. Forster explores the negative effects of materialism on the human character in some distinct ideas and feelings; the weight on spirituality, greed and ego.
Forster’s f...

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