Marshall Berman's Impact On The Modern World

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For many people the idea of modernism is one that we have become fully surrounded by. To be alive today, is to be alive in a time of modernity. In this case though, we may find ourselves so fully engrossed by the ideals of modernity, that we lose sight and forget what it even means. Like a man that has been lost at sea, society no longer can remember that at one time we were not surrounded by the endless blue waters of this modern world, evolving as the generations go by. In his writings on the subject, Marshall Berman writes that “modernism as any attempt by modern men and women to become subjects as well as objects of modernization, to get a grip on the modern world and make themselves at home in it” (5). With the vast ocean of modernity …show more content…

It is natural for people to wonder about their place in this life. This continual questioning has lead to many of the greatest accomplishments of humanity. Many times this leads us to a place where we feel fully supported and surrounded by this modern culture, but at the same time alone and out of place. Berman elaborated that, “to be modern is to live a life of a paradox and contradiction. It is to be overpowered by the immense bureaucratic organizations that have the power to control and often to destroy all communities, values, lives; and yet to be undeterred in our determination to face these forces, to fight to change their world and make it our own” (13). The shifts that have lead to modernity have created a world that opens us up to the endless possibilities this life allows, but at the same time we find ourselves stunned by possible repercussions of our full …show more content…

As generations before us, be see the problems that we are creating, but push our worries aside when faced with the gleam of our aspirations. We have created a world in which all is possible and understand why “the great modernists of the nineteenth century all attack this environment passionately, and strive to tear it down or explode it from within; yet all find themselves remarkably at home in it, alive to its possibilities, affirmative even in their radical negations, playful and ironic even in their moments of gravest seriousness and depth” (Berman, 19). Some call it destiny, while others refuse to label the determination we feel, but it is undoubtedly a feeling of the modern man to balance the zeal and fervor inside with the self-destruction that comes joined

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