Marijuana Informative Speech

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Marijuana, this crazy substance is undoubtedly not entirely understood; and often you’ll hear mixed messages from teachers and the police versus your peers who might do it. But what most people do understand is that marijuana has many health risks that are associated with it. No matter how much or how little people smoke marijuana, it can be worse for you than tobacco products. Many other health risks to the human body are evident as well, for example it can cause your immune system to weaken causing you to be more prone to diseases, and is a gateway drug to many other illicit and more harmful drugs. But can be very helpful to people suffering from painful diseases because of the effects it can give people when they are high on the drug. All …show more content…

But its more recognizable consequence is its effect on the user’s mental makeup. Marijuana can have long lasting negative effects on young adults who use marijuana; it will result in structural and functional deficits of the brain. These alterations can cause development of weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities and a shortened attention span. It can also limit your brain's effectiveness, causing lowered perception and a lack of coordination. Studies have also shown an association between use of the drug and increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. In addition to the effects on the brain, smoking marijuana can be hazardous to the development of your lungs, causing them to become weakened as the smoke deteriorates your air sacks making breathing hard and often leading to a smoker’s cough. It can be noted that Marijuana smoke contains fifty to seventy percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke. This makes the conclusion that in certain circumstances marijuana can be worse than alcohol and cigarettes very easy to

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