Margo And Rainsford Compare And Contrast

808 Words2 Pages

Nick McReath
Mrs. Kearney
Lit. Genre and Comp.
25 November 2014

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Wisely said by Gunderson, “A desire can overcome all objections and obstacles.” Anyone can overcome obstacles and face their conflicts if they have a desire. Both Margot and Rainsford face problems, but Rainsford from “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, doesn’t face internal conflict whereas Margot from “All Summer in a Day” by Ray Bradbury, does. The mood of the story ¨The Most Dangerous Game¨ and the story “All Summer in a Day” are set differently by the author as well as the motivation of the characters.
Margot and Rainsford both have struggles throughout the story, but they are entirely different conflicts. Firstly, Margot thinks “She sensed it, she was different and they knew her difference and kept away”(Bradbury 194). …show more content…

For instance Rainsford is driven by survival “Rainsford took up his flight again. It was flight now, a desperate hopeless flight”(Bradbury 18). Rainsford’s survival is key and as he’s being chased he needs to run so his motivation to run is his survival. Rainsford knows he will need to run to survive so he does. He runs because that is his only chance of survival and survival is his motivation. Whereas, Margot wants to see the sun again “Only when they sang about the sun and the Summer did her lips move”(Connell 194). Margot won’t do anything in the world with no sun unless she is talking about the sun or singing about it because she is motivated by the sun and seeing and feeling it. Margot does activities and gets excited to hear about the sun because that’s what she wants she is motivated by it and wants it back. Rainsford and Margot both have motivations, but they are different. Rainsford is motivated to keep going by survival whereas Margot is motivated by the sun and her memories of

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