Margaret Fuller Accomplishments

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Sarah Margaret Fuller, better known as Margaret Fuller, was considered one of the Great American authors that wrote during the transcendentalism period. Particularly, in her work titled Meditations written in 1833 we can see evidence of the characteristics, themes and style identified with the transcendentalism movement, Margaret Fuller then remains one of the most identifiable and iconic writers of her time. Margaret Fuller was born on May 23, 1810, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her father, Timothy Fuller, was a lawyer and a representative of congress for eight years. Margaret received her education both from home and the Boston Lyceum for Young Ladies. She had a thirst for knowledge, and was less interested in more conventional pursuits that were expected of women. She was hopeful of persisting her studies, and of dawning her career in journalism. Fuller wrote during the transcendentalist period. This literary movement is characterized by having a sense of belief in nature and spirituality. It was also characterized by the need of intellectual companions and interests; proposed self-trust and self-reliance. …show more content…

For example, “life a pure, white ray. Absorbed in the creations of daily self, my truest self i find.” Transcendentalists believed in spirituality and self-reliance. Another example would be, “Which spake in Greek simplicity of thought, And in the forms of gods and heroes wrought” this quote is directly from Flaxman as well. Its meaning in itself relates to the characteristics of transcendentalism. They had a sense of belief towards Greek mythology, or its gods more simply. Margaret Fuller truly expressed her reliance in these characteristics. In this way, the works of Margaret Fuller exemplify the best of American

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