Margaret Atwood's Siren Song

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In Greek mythology, Sirens are winged creatures who would sing a beautiful song intended to lure sailors to their deaths. Many men gave into this urge, and it resulted in their demise. Both Ulysses and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse and Siren Song by Margaret Atwood use the myth of Sirens to show that temptation should be resisted. The Sirens’ cunningness and scheming qualities are shown through Margaret Atwood’s Siren Song. Written from the perspective of a Siren, she is portrayed as bored and lonely. The poem starts out, “This is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistible.” She is playing the role of damsel in distress, wanting a man to play the hero. Seductive and manipulative, the Siren maunders on …show more content…

Her father was an entomologist, so she spent much of her childhood in Quebec, and travelled back and forth between her mother’s residence in Ottawa and her father’s residence in the north. In 1957, she started attending Victoria College in University of Toronto. Atwood graduated from Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1962 with a master’s degree in English literature. She is best known for her novels, and started writing around age five. Her work is best known for having a feminist perspective. Role reversal and new beginnings are common themes in her novels. She ponders human behavior, embraces the natural world, and criticizes materialism in many of her works. Atwood taught literature at many universities, and won the PEN Pinter prize in 2016. (Margaret Atwood). John William Waterhouse’s painting Ulysses and the Sirens is a colorful painting that is currently on display in Melbourne, Australia. It was made with oil paint on canvas in 1891. Waterhouse took ideas from a Greek vase. It has a theme of dangerous women and resisting temptation. The painting shows Ulysses tied up to the mast of the ship. His crew is still rowing the ship, with beeswax in their ears to resist the song of the Sirens. The Sirens were trying to lure them to their death. The painting has an overall sinister and terrifying effect.

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