Compare And Contrast The Odyssey And O Brother Where Art Thou

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The Odyssey vs. O Brother, Where Art Thou? The story of the Odyssey has so many events and conflicts that happen throughout it. In mythology, many of the stories have a moral or reasoning to teach us different things about life. The main moral of the Odyssey is that you should never give up or quit, even if it is challenging. It took twenty years for Odysseus to get back home because of all the adventures and challenges he faced. The writer of the Odyssey was Homer and the directors of the movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou? was Ethan Coen and Joel Coen. The movie, O Brother, Where Art Thou? and the book, The Odyssey, have many things in common, not only the adventures but the moral as well. But, they also differ in many things, such as the settings, events, and characters.. The setting of the stories are very different because of when they were written and who the audience is. Homer wrote The Odyssey in the eighth century, while O Brother, Where Art Thou? was released in 2000. Since the movie was released in 2000, the directors wanted to direct the movie toward something that everyone could have in common with. The setting of The Odyssey was in Greece at Mount Olympus. O Brother, Where Art Thou? was based in the 1920’s during the Great Depression, in the south, and in Mississippi. The sirens are known for their song that kills people. In the book, Odysseus told the men to tie him down to listen to the song even if it meant it was going to kill him. In the movie, Pete heard the sirens and told Ulisses to stop the car. He ran out to the river while the other two followed. There, there was three women singing in the river washing their clothes. The men were in a trace because the girls were giving them a sexual trance. They woke up the next day and Pete was gone. Delmer thought he turned into a frog because there was a frog in Pete’s clothing. Ulisses and Delmer continued on their journey to find the

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