Malala Yousafzai Analysis

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Malala living in Pakistan allowed her to see and live through the differences of the rights between males and females. Therefore, Malala took her knowledge as well as her experience and used it to speak out against the Taliban of her beliefs. Yousafzai highly explains her belief, using strong words to describe her feelings and thoughts that created emotions for the reader therefore was illustrated as pathos. Malala comprises dates and details withholding important information that connects and creates her central message this inaugurated logos to give the reason why she stood up for her belief in women's rights to education. The author as well developed a strong ethos by displaying photos of things mentioned in her story that importantly took …show more content…

Malala declares, “These women many of whom had no education and who were brought up to follow the dictates” (Yousafzai, pg.40). This connects with the picture of money given to Fazlullah. Additionally, Malala usefully introduces, “at the beginning people gave lots of money to Maulana Fazlullah” (Yousafzai, pg.5 pictures). Malala’s point is that these women are being brainwashed to follow what the dictator says to do because they have no pure knowledge to know the lies being told. Because Malala knows that they have the right to receive and to learn, therefore she speaks out to them as well. Yousafzai is acknowledging the fact that if women had education they would not be so gullible when it comes to being brainwashed by a man with education. Malala judges this as unfair because she believes that women of all ages should have the right to obtain education and not be taken advantage of. Consequently Malala speaks to the women as well, so they understand that they have the right to experience getting an education. She wants to prove to them that it is their right to education and their choice not the dictator they are …show more content…

She used her own family to explain why women should be allowed to go to school. She emotionally includes, “ to see my mother, a proud and intelligent woman, struggle to read the prices.. Was an unspoken sadness for both of us” (Yousafzai, pg.23). Malala views this as unfair how her mother did not have the right and was prevented to learn. She used her mother to describe an example, women without education. This encouraged her to stand up for women who were prevented from getting an education. Her sadness of seeing her strong mother struggle arose her questions of the Taliban's customs that she ends up going against. Malala encouragingly mentions, “the future of our country can never be bright if we don't educate the young generation ”(Yousafzai, pg.91). Malala seems as if she is thinking about the future of her country and knows that it is important that all children are educated, most importantly women to make the country a superior place. She does not understand why the government does not see that or think of that. This is why she stands up for it and protests peacefully, so the government can understand and change their customs. The use of her pathos give a better understanding of why she stands up for women's right to

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