Mala Noche Research Paper

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“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Have you ever heard the cliche if everyone jumped off a bridge would you? Well, that’s what led me to jumping off not a bridge but a famous waterfall in Costa Rica. After a week of hard labor: mixing cement, building a playground, and painting a school my peers and I went on a weekend excursion. This included a day of hiking to the remote waterfall called, Mala Noche. Mala Noche is located on a creek that feeds to the much larger river the Rio Nosara. As we neared the waterfall you could see the enormous rocks covered in a slimy green layer of moss. To be able to go and see the waterfall you must scale these tall, flat, and slippery rocks. Once at the top you get a breathtaking view of Mala Noche. We continued on to see where the waterfall started from, but again, you must climb more of the rocks. At the top of the waterfall our guide told us it was tradition to jump. He also added, if you jump incorrectly you will be mauled by the rocky underside of the waterfall. …show more content…

But one thought came to me, when am I ever going to be here in Costa Rica again with these people? That is when I decided to do that the leap of faith and face my fear of heights and jump off the waterfall. As I prepared for this jump, I slipped. I fell with great force into the water with a thud. I then proceeded to tumble down the rocky waterfall. Not only did I hit what seemed like every rock on the way down but also came to learn I broke my toe on that fall. The guide told me it was common for people to fall. Hence the name, Mala Noche, which translates to, ‘Bad

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