Macbeth's Decisions Essay

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Decisions determine the path of a man's life, The types of decisions ensure the destination and the emotions which follow. In the beginning Macbeth was a hero with lots of fame but he is filled with greed and wants to be king. There were key experiences that Macbeth endured, which show an internal conflict of Macbeth. William Shakespeare highlights the dishonest tasks as thrilling and rewarding until the guilt and stress set in. Showing that doing evil things may be thrilling at the time but sooner or later karma will set in.

Macbeth is an interesting character as he is a respectable man at the beginning of the play however this all changes once he is granted the thane of cawdor as the prophecy the witches made has come half true to him. …show more content…

When she learns Macbeth has been given a fortune of been given thane of cawdor then king and half the prophecy has become true, she knows if Macbeth is king she will be queen. She is willing to do anything to get it. On the night that Macbeth and lady macbeth have planned to kill Duncan. Macbeth is having second thoughts but Lady Macbeth is not letting him back down by saying he is a coward and she would do it if she was in his place by saying ”When you durst do it, then you are a man. And to be more than what you were you would be so much more than a man”. Macbeth is a hearty warrior and feels as though he has to prove to Lady Macbeth he is a man and he is not a coward. Therefore due to Lady Macbeths manipulation Macbeth murders Duncan. On Macbeths return Lady Macbeth is happy but Macbeth is Filled with regret Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to forget what happened “ A little water clears us of this deed”. Which is Ironique as At the end of the play Lady Macbeth has been in the anxiety and it has finally eaten away at her and she has gone mad and keeps seeing blood on her hands. “Out damned spot out, I say !” which in turn leads to her own suicide and portrays Lady Macbeth as taking her fate into her own hands in an evil manner, However the guilt from doing the evil task highlighted Lady Macbeth was not as manly as she wanted to be and she still had feelings, showing the audience by her suicide as an act showing she was unable to withstand the guilt of being queen knowing the great evil she had to do to get

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