Macbeth Essay

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“This tyrant whose sole name blisters our tongues, was once thought honest…” (77). This quote represents the change of Macbeth throughout the play. The use of blood imagery is used to represent the character development of Macbeth from a noble thane to a murdering tyrant. We first see blood imagery characterizing Macbeth when he is called noble for defeating Norway. Then, the idea of un-washable blood shows that Macbeth’s character will change. When Macbeth begins to experience the blood of others on his own hands, it leads him to ultimately become the “villain” or antagonist of the play. Finally, before the death of Macbeth, blood imagery has been used to characterize Macbeth so much that he is now over confident and seems to be fueled by the idea of it. By examining the use of blood imagery, one can determine that blood represents Macbeth’s character development from an honorable thane to a disrespected tyrant. First, readers see blood imagery representing Macbeth’s character development when it defines him as noble in the beginning. Macbeth is first introduced in the play by a valiant captain. Even with all of the captain’s unbearable wounds, he still manages to be able to speak highly of Macbeth. He says, “But all’s too weak, for brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name” (5). This is significant in analyzing character development because these are the very first things we hear about Macbeth. It stands out to readers that blood is the first thing to characterize Macbeth. We see he is honorable because the use of blood imagery defines him as a leader. It says, “…with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution…” (5). The audience now gets an image of brave and bold Macbeth winning a battle. Knowing the outcome of... ... middle of paper ... ... use of blood imagery has given the audience the idea of Macbeth’s character completely changing from honorable to despicable in the people’s eyes. Obviously, blood imagery is used at the end to show the full development of Macbeth’s character. In conclusion, blood imagery is clearly used to show the character development of Macbeth. It is apparent when it first introduces Macbeth to readers as a noble thane. The development progresses when blood is described as un-washable on Macbeth’s hands. It is obvious that it has changed him after he commits more and more murders. Blood imagery shows him to become the antagonist of the play. Finally, in the end, before his death, blood imagery shows Macbeth’s full development as a disloyal and morally wrong tyrant. It is evident that blood imagery progressively shows the character development of Macbeth throughout the play.

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