Lyle Alzado Steroid Use

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On May 14, 1992, Lyle Alzado was found dead due to brain cancer caused by a brain tumor. In the previous year, Alzado admitted to using PEDs, Performance Enhancing Drugs, or steroids. In one of his most famous quotes he expresses his regret by saying,”My last wish? That no one else ever dies this way.Unfortunately, this hasn’t exactly been the case. This is one of the more extreme consequences of taking steroids. However, this just goes to show how negatively steroids can affect people. There are such thing as prescription steroids. These steroids such as Prednisone and Cortisol can reduce inflammation. PEDs are not prescription and are highly addictive and dangerous. Why do athletes take steroids? If there are so many bad things that can …show more content…

Some of the side effects of PEDs include balding, worsening acne, and infertility. Other side effects can be more severe. Prolonged use may lead to violent behavior. A condition commonly known as “Roid Rage”. The tragic story of Lyle Alzado shows that perhaps the worst side effect is death. Lyle Alzado, died due to a brain tumor that doctors believe is directly linked to his admitted use of steroids. And yet countless athletes put their very lives at risk daily in search of sensational stats. In addition to drastic health consequences, PED's have taken a toll on sports themselves. My grandfather now says he dislikes baseball because of players’ to PED abuse. “You can't tell if it is real. Who knows who has real talent and who is juiced up?” he told me once. It Seems difficult for many fans to obtain the level of excitement that they once had for sports when it could all be fake. According to Newsday,since 2005, as many as 62 players have been banned or suspended from the MLB for taking steroids. In other sports, athletes like Lance Armstrong, Luiza Galiulina, Marion Jones, Tyson Gay have found themselves in trouble for steroid abuse as

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