Low Fat Lies High-Fat Frauds By Kevin Vigilante

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In the book, Low-Fat Lies High-Fat Frauds by Kevin Vigilante and Mary Flynn it discusses the low and high-fat diet controversy and the false promises that it brings. The book also mentions how High-Fat diets can be dangerous to your health and it explains how to distinguish the good and the bad fat in your diet. Many people don’t understand how importance it is to take control of their own nutrition and health. Instead, they turn to what the media, doctors, government or other health organizations say about low and high fat diets. Many of these diets such as the Atkins diet and the Zone and sugar diets have misleading flaws. It does not mean the government or doctors are trying to kill us. Misleading media is mostly propaganda and big fancy …show more content…

Not only do low-fat diets not work but they are dangerous towards our body. Our body needs certain fats to sustain energy and support cell growth. Low-fat diets may worsen HDL cholesteric and triglycerides. Because low-fat diets have not been successful towards many people, they turn around to face another lie. They begin to abandon the idea of taking low-fat diets and turn to high-fat diets. The super-high-fat Atkins diet or zone and sugar busters diet which are just as flawed as the low-fat diets. Many people find it hard to lose weight and even on these diets they tend to still gain weight. Many of the reasons why diets high and low in fat or carbohydrates don’t work are because they are not accurate. They are hard to keep up so they eventually stop the diet. They set goals that seem almost unrealistic and the processes of keeping the diet seem even harder than taking the weight off. Obesity has become a big epidemic in America. Americans tend to look for the easy way out. Getting on a diet that seems like a good idea without realizing how unrealistic it can become. How it promises to make you lose 5lbs a month if you stay committed. Lies. The narrow-minded focus on fats has been a failure that seems to have worsened the problem of obesity. The best way to keep the body safe is to avoid smoking, eating right and exercising. These healthy lifestyles will change the course of the death sentence that most Americans carry upon

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