Louis and Ophelia in Trading Places

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John Landis directed the movie, Trading Places. The movie is about Louis, a snobby investor, and Billy, a street con artist, who find their lives reversed as a part of a bet by two millionaires. Louis’ girlfriend, Penelope, leaves him after his life completely changes. After a couple days he meets Ophelia, who takes him into her apartment and takes care of him through his struggles. Both of these women are a big part of Louis’ life but they are very different. Their appearances, personalities and how they are involved with Louis can both be compared and contrasted.
Appearance can always be used to compare and contrast two characters in a movie. Penelope is a brunette with medium length hair. She also wears makeup that makes her look sophisticated and important. The makeup she wears does not make her look anything less than a rich woman. Her clothes are also of the rich fashion. She almost always wears a fashionable hat and fancy coat. Her house looks just as rich as her clothes portray her to be. With a huge house, multiple rooms with no use, and of course a butler at her beg and call, she can only be classified as rich.
On the other hand Ophelia is almost the exact opposite. The only thing same about the two is that Ophelia also has brown hair, but it is much shorter than Penelope’s. Ophelia is not always a brunette though; She wears a red haired wig on occasion. Because of her job title, prostitute, she has many different colored wigs in her apartment that she switches off from job to job. Her daily makeup also is affected by her job. She usually has more make-up on than she needs. This includes red lipstick and an exaggerated amount of eye shadow. Ophelia also lives in a one-bedroom apartment.
While both of the women were in ...

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...out of jail Ophelia lets him stay at her apartment until he gets his job and house back. She trusts him to be there and not steal anything even when she’s not there. After awhile their connection grows and they begin to actually like each other. Ophelia does not care if he’s rich or poor she likes him for who he is unlike Penelope.
Penelope and Ophelia can be compared and contrasted by their appearances, personalities and how they are involved with Louis. Penelope is more conservative and dresses in expensive clothes while Ophelia dresses for her job as a prostitute. Ophelia was caring and helpful to Louis while Penelope was rude and snobby. Penelope disowned Louis once he got out of jail and became poor. Ophelia helped Louis at his lowest times and liked him for him and not his money. Both of these women were an important part in Louis’ life but in their own way.

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