Loss Of Innocence In Spirited Away

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When children say they want their parents to change, they never expect their parents to turn into pigs. As a part of the Initiation into maturity, Hayao Miyazaki writes in an archetypal companion group that guides the protagonist down the path of responsibility in the movie Spirited Away. Sen, whose true name is Chihiro, is pulled into an unknown world and must change herself and grow up to save her parents who have been turned into pigs with the help of her new companions. As her life changes, and she is stuck in the spirit world, her parents are taken away and the protagonist Chihiro must go through the archetypal Initiation down the path into maturity to save her parents. The beginning of the Initiation is where she realizes that she can no longer rely on her parents. The young girl is trapped without the guidance of the ones who told her what needed to be done and now she doesn't know how to react. She is forced to grow up suddenly so that she can deal with her situation. Haku, one of her later companions shows her the way to take her next steps into maturity. Chihiro is told to get a job so that she may stay in the spirit world. The weight of responsibility that …show more content…

When Chihiro starts to go through the initiation she first meets Haku. Haku is the first one to guide and help her through this new uncommon world. Haku then tells Chihiro to get a job with Kamaji, the boiler. Kamaji, a six armed man risks his own life to see if Chihiro she is worth getting a job because she is a human. Being with Kamaji allowed Chihiro to meet Lin who becomes an older sister figure later on,who ushers Chihiro to Yubaba. One after another, someone stuck their neck out for Chihiro to see if she would get the job. Those who did all turned into companions, Kamaji, Haku, and Lin. These companions are what enables Chihiro to survive and flourish in order to save her

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