Looking Backward

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“College is the reward for surviving high high school”-Judd Apatow Education is very important to rethink help people to build opinions and points of view in life. Going to college is prove that your goals have been achieved in high school. That all that hard work will pay off in high school and that all your hopes and dreams will come true just as the quote says.But the reason why I chose this quote that it is true you do need to surviving high school so that college can see that you will be able to handle it. Imagine that you got you your degree on what you dream job was and you succeed in life as you dreamed. So what I be talking about in this essay is that college helps you getting your dream job, getting ready for adult life, be successful in life.

First of all, there are some people that have gone to college and then they were able to get to their dream job but some people then they were able to get to their dream job but some people change their mind. In the website www.monster.com, the title of the page is “Yes,you can get a job outside of your college major”. It say says “ The upshot?There's no need to panic. “It’s natural for college student to change their career direction,”says Donald Asher , author of …show more content…

So this part of the essay will be on being successful in life. It is in the spring board book page 79-80 the story is called “Actually, College is Very Much worth it” by Andrew J. Potheram. It said Mark Twain admonished us not to let schooling interfere with education, and we're always celebrating the mavericks who blazes their own path.. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft's bill Gates, or Apple's Steve Jobs-all college dropouts who are help us as evidence of why all that time sitting in class is better spent elsewhere. This show that there are some people that have dropout of college and still have succeed in life that the the world is using right

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