Look Is Wrong

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The subject of being treated wrong just because of the way look is nothing new. Discrimination has been around for quite a while. Racism, sexism and feminism ,just to name a few, are all based off of wanting to be treated equal. I do believe that the way someone looks does change that way they are treated. This could be for both good and bad. In my essay, I argue that people get treated differently based on how they look. This is because people judge you before they even get to know you, It affects your work success, and it plays a role in your future family. I don’t think we like to admit that we judge others by their looks but, even if we don’t notice it, it is something we all do. It is something I have seen at work, school, and, as sad …show more content…

“Fat” discrimination, or weight prejudice, goes along with stereotyping them as lazy or not as smart. When placed under the stigma of being overweight it actually causes more issues such as depression that may actually be a factor of their obesity (Karen Powroznik). So when you see someone who may not have the ideal body shape, before you consider them to be of any less worth, it’s important to understand them first. Unfortunately, the “ideal outward appearance is highly valued in society as it has been shown to lead to positive outcomes in life.” (Trekles and Eggermont).All because you’re not skinny doesn’t mean you’re not …show more content…

Fitting the look that a company or a person wants, based on how attractive you are is not only a way of being hired but fired as well, Mila Gumin talks about this in her paper . “People who fit the societal definition of attractiveness are more likely to be hired and have a greater probability of retaining the position and advancing in their careers.( 1773) If you are considered attractive by the standards of we are told are good and have certain traits that your chances of getting some jobs may be higher than others. As Karen Powroznik quotes in her study about health discrimination, “overweight and obese employees face daily discrimination and are less likely to be hired and promoted than their equally qualified.” If two people go into an interview with equal qualifications chances are, the better looking person will be the one getting hired. someone else could always be chosen because of their looks and how they present

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