Long-Term Effects Of Abuse

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September 29,2001, I lost my mother due to her being physically abused. There were days I would sit and watch my mother being drug by her hair throughout our home. My mother and her abuser met back in the year of 1997 and the became friends. As a child growing up and having to see your mother being abused was a very painful situation to deal with. There were three young children that became involved and will forever be affected by this situation. My mother became pregnant with my little sister and of course I hope and believed in my heart the abuse would stop but instead it became worse. Her abuser began pulling her hair, raping her on several occasions, beating her and even pushing her down a flight of stairs while pregnant. My mother made …show more content…

The long-term impact of abuse during childhood has then following outcomes in adults: disease risk, quality of life, and mortality. Effects of physical abuse can be acute and far-reaching. The immediate effect might be a bruise or a cut. The long-term effects maybe drastic like post-traumatic stress. Psychological effects of physical abuse should not be underestimated. There are both long and short term effects of abuse. Short-term effects ae typically obvious and treatable by the emergency room or other healthcare providers. Many injuries from physical abuse affect victims as they grow older. Long-term effects of abuse are arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, STD’S, and chronic pain. Most studies compared children of battered women to those from non-violent homes. Investigators reported internalizing behavior or emotional problems among battered relationships to nonbattered. Battered children demonstrate externalizing behavior. Murder and suicide are frequently associated with physical abuse. Depression is a primary psychological response to physical abuse. Abused women have 16 times a greater risk of abusing alcohol as well as 9 times the risk of abusing drugs. Some other psychological effects include: suicidal behavior, self-mutilation, panic disorder, and …show more content…

Emotional abuse deals with one’s emotions and how they feel towards the way they feel about the things that they have been through. Emotional Abuse is a sneaky killer of the spirit and worse. Emotional Abuse will erode your joy, sense of well-being, mental health, and possibly suicide. Some of the signs of abusive partners and Emotional Abuse are that they will make mean jokes, criticize and judge you negatively. They will also humiliate their partner, insult you in private and in front of others as a method of your personal self-esteem. Your abuser will also say things that are hurtful and hurt your feelings making you feel as if everything is your fault instead of their own. Researcher and author Brene Brown says that the difference between guilt and shame is that guilt is when something bad is done to you to whereas shame makes you feel like a bad person. Abusive partners usually point out what they do as well to gain power over you. Emotional abuse tends to create a sense of shame in you. There is a vague sense that you are not worthy of respect, love, nor them. Most abusers create an illusion when saying “You are so bad, no one else will ever want or love you.” This statement here is enough to make a person hurt or become emotional due to who is saying it and the way it is being said. A healthy relationship is when you and your partner are free to express the hurts you have, the scares, the worries, as well as your hopes

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